Wednesday 18 April 2018

Improvement on brain efficiency - for everyone

Some common sense advice, related to the biochemistry of the brain.
Keep yourself hydrated. A 5% dehydration is already reducing your brain efficiency. A 30% is comparable to being drunk. Drink clear, good water often.
Sleep- is it often overlooked, but we need 8–9 hours daily, ideally starting from 21–22. Being tired is a creeping sensation that we recognise too late (burnout). Sleep deprivation is also a major cause of performance decrease.
Eating- there are good foods and bad foods. Avoid cholesterol and increase the good fats (omega3, essential fatty acids such as linoleic and linolenic acids). Fruits and veg to be a major part of your diet. Water rich and alkaline is possible.
Exercise - you got two parts. The high intensity training got the advantage to take less time and to be more efficient. Static or slow exercise like yoga or tai chi is recommended given the theory that it is not that we lose mobility because we age, but we age because we lose mobility. If this is true, our performance will increase with our mobility, especially the spine mobility, as an important part of the nervous system. And a beneficial extension of our health span. And hormonal balance.
Supplements: Ginseng, Ginkgo biloba, Magnesium Malate, Omega 3, Zinc, Vitamin D3, B Complex , Uritidine Monophosphate, just to name few.
That was about the efficiency of the brain.
Now to the wise part, this is a bit tricky. Implying that we can become wise through our experience or through the experience of others.
Reading and Travelling will occupy the two first positions on my list.
Meditation and any kind of awareness exercise.
Studying the art of happiness, the art of gratitude
Being in Awe.

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