Tuesday 29 October 2019

About imposter syndrome and self defeating

This depends on how good you are at recognise this condition, how well equipped are to help others and how intelligent the other person is.

Somebody said that you do not need to learn how to love, you just take out of your way everything that is stopping you to do it.

In a way, it is the same with intelligent, bright people self limiting themselves by an imposter syndrome. All the potential for a happy fulfilled life is there. You just need to recognise the problem, to become aware of the condition and just leave it behind.

This is not easy. Sometimes can be a lifetime struggle to conquer the imposter syndrome. But it is totally worth it. Once you did it, you are like a legendary Phoenix, ready to fly and reach your full potential. You were stagnant only because you chose to be. And the self sabotage for an intelligent person is so subtle that you cannot even see it. And very original also.

So, once you get over it, you start to see it around, to recognise it. All this self defeating attitude, all this limiting behaviour. And you know that others can thrive, can achieve greatness. But you are not able to change them.

That is unbearable.

To be able to change yourself but not to help others that are going through the same thing. But you are bright. You can learn. And one day you can become good enough in order to do it.

Short story, this is the reason behind why every genius chose to help others like them.

Tuesday 13 August 2019


A 6-years old boy to a 6-years old girl:
-I love you!
-Like the grownups?
-No, for real.

Sunday 16 June 2019

When science catch up...

Even since I noticed the pterostilbene ability of reversing cognitive decline and the potential in protecting against Alzheimer’s disease, I was mentioning that this is like an upgrade of resveratrol. Now, 2 years later, there are more than 400 studies confirming my theory. Even a company like Elysium incorporates pterostilbene in their flagship product: Basis.

Monday 22 April 2019

Addiction - a different view

In our life, we all battle with some kind of addictive behaviour, being that phone time, food or even drinks or drugs.

Here is the link to a very interesting video about addiction.

And my new motto:

“The opposite of addiction is connection. The opposite of addiction is love. “

Have a nice day!


Friday 15 March 2019

Quote of the day

“Old George Orwell got it backward. Big Brother isn't watching. He's singing and dancing. He's pulling rabbits out of a hat. Big Brother’s busy holding your attention every moment you're awake. He's making sure you're always distracted. He's making sure you're fully absorbed. He's making sure your imagination withers. Until it's as useful as your appendix. He's making sure your attention is always filled. And this being fed, it's worse than being watched. With the world always filling you, no one has to worry about what's in your mind. With everyone's imagination atrophied, no one will ever be a threat to the world.” — Chuck Palahniuk

Tuesday 15 January 2019

Nootropics - Acetil-L-Carnitine

Acetil-L-Carnitine is a precursor for the aminoacid L-Carnitine.


  • helps the body to produce energy;
  • it is important for heart and brain function, muscle movement and other body processes;
  • improves memory problems related to old age and memory loss;
  • improves feelings of mental and physical tiredness in older people;
  • helps symptoms related to declining male hormones (taken for six months improves sexual dysfunction, depression and fatigue in a similar way with the testosterone hormone);
  • good for alcohol withdrawal (using IV for 10 days, or orally for 80 days), reducing the withdrawal symptoms;
  • slows the rate of progression of Alzheimer's disease;
  • improves memory, some of the mental function and behavior;
  • poor blood flow to the brain - one single IV dose seems to produce short term improvements;
  • improve memory in case of alcoholism;
  • reduces blood levels of ammonia ( improving liver function and mental function in people with poor brain function due to liver failure);
  • treating male infertility and Peyronie's disease ( reduces pain and slows the condition becoming worse)
  • seems to increase survival and improve physical condition in ALS, especially if it is combined with Riluzole;
  • may help in neuropathy (nerve pain), fibromyalgia, fragile x-syndrome, multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, sciatica (when combined with alpha lipoic acid);
  • it is a mitochondrial boosting supplement, helps your muscle mitochondria by burning fat, increase endurance, faster recovery. Fat uses carnitine to be carried to the mitochondria;
  • when exercising, increase strength, burns more fat, boosts testosterone, speeds recovery, better insulin sensitivity, builds muscle, reduces muscle fatigue;
  • better overall cognitive ability, even reversing dementia in some cases;
  • increases glutathione's levels;
  • improves focus and attention, helps in ADHD.
Side effecs:
  • do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding;
  • do not use in neuropathy caused by taxanes (chemotherapy drugs);
  • might interfere with thyroid, do not use if your thyroid is under-active;
  • do not use if you have seizures.

  • 1-4 g per day improves mood and decrease depression symptoms for some people;
  • reduces nerve pain (neuropathy) caused by diabetes (1000 mg 2-3 times per day);
  • for healthy adults, 1-3 g per day for 3-12 months.

Monday 14 January 2019

Nootropics - Creatine Monohidrate

Creatine Monohidrate is a natural supplement to boos athletic performance, by helping the muscle to produce more energy, increasing the muscle phosphocreatine stores (phosphocreatine is a precursor of ATP, so you will produce more ATP to continuously perform at maximum intensity).


  • supports muscles development by boosting the formation of the proteins that create new muscle fibers;
  • increase muscle mass, increase the water content of the muscles;
  • reduces the myostatin (molecule responsible for reducing muscle growth), helping the muscle to build faster;
  • improves high intensity exercises, improving factors such as strength, ballistic power, sprint ability, endurance, recovery, fatigue resistance, brain performance;
  • most effective muscle building supplement, increasing both short term and long term muscle mass;
  • helps in Parkinson disease preventing the dopamine decrease and improving muscle strenghth and function;
  • few other neurological diseases had symptoms such as phosphocreatine reduction in the brain (Alzheimer's, ischemic stroke, epilepsy, brain or spinal cord injuries - even ALS, as it is improving muscle function, reduce muscle loss and extends survival by 17%);
  • lowers blood sugar level and helps in diabetes;
  • useful for the brain, increases the phosphocreatine reserves helping to create more ATP, needed for difficult, complex tasks;
  • increase dopamine levels and mitochondrial function (20-50% improvement in memory and recall ability)
  • reduces age related memory loss and protects against neurological diseases;
  • reduces fatigue and tiredness.
Side effects:
  • drink plenty of extra water when used and avoid dehydration (it is bad for your kidneys and creatine increases the risk);
  • long term use is not recommended in bipolar disorder;
  • caffeine and creatine together can make Parkinson worse (avoid caffeine if it is the case);
  • because of the water retention, do not use it if you have kidney problems.
  • it is safe and easy to use;
  • got a loading phase (20g per day for 4-7 days, then maintenance 1-10 g per day).

Saturday 12 January 2019

Nootropics - Gotu Kola

Gotu Kola, also known as Centella Asiatica or Asian pennywort, is native to Asian wetlands and it is used as a medicinal herb in Ayurveda and Chinese traditional medicine, but also in cooking too.


  • contains certain chemicals that decrease inflammation and blood pressure in veins;
  • seems to increase collagen production, helping wound healing;
  • orally taken for 4-8 weeks seems to improve circulation and reduce swelling in the legs if you got poor circulation
  • taking it for 12 months in atherosclerosis stabilize the fatty deposit plaques in the blood vessels making it less likely to break leading to heart attack or stroke;
  • prevents blood clots during long flights (more than 3 hours);
  • improve mental function;
  • might help reduce symptoms of psoriasis, and used as a cream prevents scarring;
  • helps bladder wounds healing after parasitic infection called schistomiasis;
  • as a cream can heal stretch marks associated with pregnancy;
  • useful for fatigue, anxiety, bacterial and viral infections like common cold, flu, tonsillitis, sunstroke, U.T.I., hepatitis, jaundice, diarrhea, indigestion;
  • refreshing energy
  • used for aging skin, tones and tighten the skin due to collagen production, increase the blood flow, helping in cellulitis;
  • strengthen the hair follicles and nourishes the scalp (strengthens the blood vessels in the scalp area and leads to hair regrowth);
  • rejuvenative nervine, bringing balance to the nervous system;
  • sharpens the mind, increase memory learning and cognition;
  • repair and reverse the damage to the brain cells, preventing degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer's disease;
  • boosts acetylcholine production, decreasing the symptoms in ADHD and ADD;
  • increases the dendrite and axon growth;
  • rich in triterpene saponozides (a Japanese research shows that some of them can stop the growth of the cancer cells);
  • neurogenesis and neuroprotection.
Side effects:
  • safe for pregnant women as a cream, not enough data when used orally if the woman is pregnant or breastfeeding;
  • cause sleepiness if used in combination with other drugs after surgery (interacting with sedatives, CNS depressants);
  • moderate interaction with hepatotoxic drugs (tylenol, tegretol, simvastatin).
  • safe dose for blood circulation 60-180 mg per day;
  • recommended 50-250 mg three times per day;
  • as a nootropic 3 x 200 mg per day.

Thursday 10 January 2019

Nootropics - Resveratrol

Resveratrol is a stilbenoid, a type of natural phenol, and a phytoalexin produced by several plants in response to injury or if the plant is under attack by pathogens.


  • acting as antioxidant, protecting the body against risks of cancer and heart disease;
  • limits the spread of cancer cells and it is killing them;
  • reduce inflammation;
  • lover LDL and prevents clots to form (avoiding heart attack);
  • may ease joint pain;
  • may protect nerve cells from damage and fight the plaque build-up leading to Alzheimer's;
  • helps in diabetes preventing insulin resistance;
  • sirtuins can be activated by resveratrol.
Side effects:
  • might interact with blood thinners like warfarin, aspirin and ibuprofen;
  • raise the chance of bleeding.
  • in the research group was used 2000 mg, but the commercial ones contain only 250-500 mg. 

Tuesday 8 January 2019

Nootropics - Pterostilbene

Pterostilbene is a derivative of Resveratrol, but is better absorbed following oral ingestion and more potent as an antioxidant and anticancer molecule. It is ideal to combine with Nicotinamide Riboside as supplement. 


  • anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-ageing;
  • increasing longevity;
  • good for anxiety, neuroinflammation, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, joint inflammation.

Side effects:

  • up to 250 mg (2 doses of 125 mg per day) with no side effects.


  • low doses - beneficial for memory and cognition;
  • higher doses (250-500 mg) - beneficial for reducing cholesterol and glucose

Nootropics - Nicotinamide Riboside

Nicotinamide Riboside is a precursor to NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine nucleotide). It is a nucleoside made out of niacinamide and ribose. It is a form of the vitamin B3.


  • it is an anti-aging and help support healthy circadian rhythm;
  • generate energy in mitochondrial dense tissues like muscle, brain and liver;
  • protects the mitochondria, improve the mitochondria function and health;
  • increase the amplitude of your circadian rhythm (fluctuation of cellular production that coordinate the day-night cycle - poor circadian rhythm lead to lower levels of NAP-MT enzyme, resulting in lower NAD+ levels);
  • NAD+ activates the sirtuins * (antiaging enzymes), PARPs (repairs the damaged cells - anticancer effect) and CD38 receptor in the immune system (involved in the glucose-induced insulin secretion-reducing the diabetic symptoms);
  • supports tissues that heavily relies on mitochondria for energy (nervous system, heart, liver, muscle);
  • rapidly restore muscle mass;
  • protects the brain (protects nerve cells by activating Sirt3(r) and PGC1a(r) pathways);
  • protects the liver (stopping the fat accumulation, lowering oxidative stress, preventing inflammation and improving insulin sensitivity);
  • increase the metabolism and energy use, increase the level of enzymes involved in burning fat;
  • helps reprogram dysfunctional cells, increasing longevity.
Side effects:
  • worsen the physical performance (lowest adverse effects - 1000 mg/day, no adverse effect -300 mg/day)

  • at 1000 mg, effects start to feel after 6 pills, if you take 2 per day.
* Sirtuins are a family of proteins that act predominantly as NAD-dependent deacetylases. We got Sirt3, Sirt4 and Sirt5 - localized exclusively in mitochondria. Sirtuins are influencing ageing, transcription (DNA copy), apoptosis (programmed cellular death), inflammation, stress resistance, as well as energy efficiency and alertness. During low calorie situations, the sirtuins will control the circadian clock and the mitochondrial biogenesis. 

Sunday 6 January 2019

Nootropics - Liposomal gluthatione (GSH)

The Liposomal Gluthatione is the most powerful antioxidant, combating the effects of physical and emotional stress, pathogens, toxins, free radicals, herbicides, smoking side effects and even ageing). Higher blood and intra-cellular levels of GSH can prevent the oxidization of the cellular membrane, protecting the body from the effects of free radicals. Helps activate vitamin E and C. The liposomal glutathione is protected by the stomach acidity, being assimilated as liposomes and it is 100% bioavailable. GSH is a tripeptide made from cysteine, glutamine and glycine. The highest concentration is found stored in liver.


  • plays a key role in detoxifying the body;
  • GGT, which can breakdown in GSH, can be taken intravenous, intramuscular, oral or inhaled;
  • cellular GSH levels are a good predictor of life expectancy;
  • prevents different body systems from deterioration and disease;
  • reduces the risk of cancer, Parkinson, Huntington and Alzheimer's disease;
  • prevents glaucoma and cataract;
  • fight oxidative stress in the body;
  • may control inflammation;
  • drops with age, especially during the menopause, increasing the blood levels will prevent age related cognitive decline;
  • may prevent depression;
  • may limit neurodegeneration;
  • may help with infections;
  • protects the intestinal mucosa, heals the gut;
  • autistic children have 20-40% lower levels of GSH;
  • regulation of life, proliferation and death of the cancer cells;
  • helps in ADHD;
  • prevents heart diseases caused by oxidative stress in the heart tissue;
  • may treat diabetes complication in diabetes type 2;
  • may prevent kidney and liver disease and kidney failure caused by oxidative stress;
  • may decrease the development of addictive behaviors and eating disorders;
  • reduces the consequences of alcohol and drugs use;
  • controls the activation of cells death pathway;
  • may help in asthma and COPD, and in sleep apnea, as they are characterized by lower GSH levels;
  • may treat acne, rheumatoid arthritis;
  • encourage a healthy pregnancy;
  • helps in AIDS and cystic fibrosis;
  • it is a skin lightening agent.
Side effects:
  • if inhaled can lead to breathing difficulty, do not use it if you have asthma;
  • taste bad, liposomal form is recommended, if you are poor, start slow and increase gradually;
  • 1 in 8 subjects can experiment increased flatulence, diarrhea or chest tightness.


  • not more that 600 mg per day, ideally inhaled
  • it is not very effective oral taken, but it is good as liposomal, sublingual or orobucal (lozenges) and increase the vitamin C absorption;
  • can be combined with cysteine, selenium, alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) and methionine.
  • Saturday 5 January 2019

    Nootropics - Coenzyme Q10

    The antioxidant coenzyme Q10 is decreasing with age and it is associated with several diseases and genetic disorders when is it at low levels, but it is not the cause. Our cells use Q10 to turn carbs into ATP (which is essential for healthy metabolism, bones, neurological and muscular functions. Also works as an antioxidant, if it is combined with vitamins E, C and Selenium to prevent free radical damage to our cells.


    • helps in the treatment of high blood pressure and heart failure;
    •  enhances the immune system abilities;
    • improves symptoms of chronic fatigue;
    • reduces high cholesterol levels in blood;
    • assists in cancer treatment (by protecting the organs from the chemotherapy drugs side effects);
    • treatment of gum disease;
    • helps in Alzheimer's and Parkinson disease;
    • increase sperm count and motility;
    • prevents and treats migraine.
    Side effects:
    • may interact with other medications (taken for heart failure, diabetes, liver or kidney);
    • very rare cases of nausea or heartburn.
    • 30-200 mg per day.

    Wednesday 2 January 2019

    Nootropics - Bacopa Monnieri

    Bacopa, also known as Herb of Grace, Bacopa Monnieri, Brahmi, Indian Pennywort, Jalanimba, was used in Ayurveda for long time. (Do not confuse it with Gotu Kola, also called sometimes Brahmi.)


    • it is commonly used to improve ADHD symptoms, Alzheimer's disease, anxiety;
    • protects brain cells from chemicals involved in Alzheimer's disease;
    • improves memory and hand-eye coordination (more efficient for children);
    • might prevent some kind of seizures, if you got epilepsy;
    • may be useful in case of asthma, back ache, joint pain, sexual problems;
    • slows the heart bit.
    Side effects:
    • it is safe orally, short term (up to 12 weeks);
    • do not use it if pregnant or breast feeding;
    • slows down the heart beat;
    • do not use it if you have ulcers or lung conditions (increase the secretion of the fluid);
    • careful in case of thyroid disorders (might increase thyroid hormone).
    • no appropriate dose established, depends of age, health, thyroid activity and other conditions.

    Tuesday 1 January 2019

    Nootropics - Rhodiola Rosea

    Rhodiola Rosea, also known as golden root, arctic root or rose root, is the root of an adaptogenic plant.


    • it is an adaptogen (helps your body to adapt to stress when consumed) decreasing stress and improving the symptoms of burnout;
    • alleviate and fight fatigue;
    • reduces the symptoms of depression, by balancing the brain neurotransmitters. As a fun fact, compared with Zoloft (Sertraline) is slightly less effective , but produces fewer side effects and it is better tolerated by the body. 
    • improves brain function (reduces mental fatigue, improved sleep patterns, increased motivation);
    • can improve exercise performance (endurance);
    • may help control diabetes symptoms (can lower blood sugar by increasing the number of glucose transporters in the blood);
    • may be useful in the treatment of some types of cancer.
    Side effects:
    • uncommon and mild allergy;
    • irritability, insomnia, agitation, activation.
    • on empty stomach, 400-600 mg in a single dose. They need to have the standardized 3% rosavins and 1% salidrosides.